Nina L. Smolyar
L4E PhD Fellow – University of Vermont
Twitter: @NinaLSmolyar
LinkedIn: Nina L. Smolyar

Nina is interested in developing relational praxis that operationalizes her commitment to co-create and iterate ecological and just lifeworlds that support collective mutual thriving for all beings. After graduating from University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in economics and political science, Nina followed her dedication to sustainability, holding various roles in social justice and environmental organizations. She has also lived, loved, and worked at two intentional eco-communities in Western Massachusetts, whose missions center on environmental awareness, connection, and embodiment. These experiences inspired her to investigate community-building in a self-designed graduate program at Goddard College, where she completed a Master of Arts thesis on conflict transformation in intentional community. Outside of work, she can be found playing ecoartsy tetris, dancing, napping in the wild by the water, doodling poetry, singing to plants in her community garden, and fantasizing about moonlighting as a stand-up comic.
From the Anthropocene to Mutual Thriving: An Agenda for Higher Education in the Ecozoic
L4E Contributors: Ivan Vargas Roncancio, Leah Temper, Joshua Sterlin, Nina L. Smolyar, Shaun Sellers, Maya Moore, Rigo Melgar-Melgar, Jolyon Larson, Catherine Horner, Jon D. Erickson, Megan Egler, Peter G. Brown, Emille Boulot, Tina Beigi and Michael Babcock