Geoffrey Garver
Law and Governance Lead – McGill University

Dr. Geoffrey Garver teaches environmental courses at McGill University and Concordia University in Montreal and coordinates law and governance research for the Leadership for the Ecozoic program, formerly the Economics for the Anthropocene Partnership. He is on the Steering Committee of the Ecological Law and Governance Association ( and is active in the international degrowth movement. Geoff completed his PhD (Geography) at McGill in 2016, and has a B.S. (Chemical Engineering) from Cornell University (1982), a J.D. from Michigan law School (1987) and an LL.M. from McGill (2011). From 2000-2007, he was Director of Submission on Enforcement Matters at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (, following 13 years of public service with the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a federal District Court judge in Maine. Geoff co-authored Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy (2009) and many articles and book chapters. His book Ecological Law and the Planetary Crisis is coming out in October 2020. Geoff grew up in a Quaker family in Western New York and is on the Board of Trustees of the Quaker Institute for the Future.