Francis Guarascio
L4E PhD Fellow – University of Vermont

Francis is a first year Ph.D. student in Natural Resources at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources. He is studying and researching just energy transitions, energy sovereignty, and energy efficiency. Francis is interested in evaluating the economic, social, cultural, and ecological impacts associated with renewable energy transitions.
Prior to studying at the University of Vermont, Francis was a student in the department of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Edinburgh. His research focused on implementing the best forms of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and nature based solutions for mitigating catastrophic floods and landslides.
In his free time Francis loves to get on the water as much as possible, particularly through sailing and scuba diving; but also loves to hike, backpack, visit museums and galleries, and forage. His favorite museum in Vermont is the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, and he is a big fan of Ben and Jerry’s.