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  • Opportunity with Renew New England



Through participation with the VT Renews Coalition of Renew New England and Rights & Democracy, L4E members have an opportunity to support and engage with a state and regional network of groups advancing a collaborative policy framework  to address overlapping crises of mass unemployment, climate change, the pandemic, and racial injustice, and to onduct VT-centered background (economic, social, natural sciences) research on 1 to 2 "basic human needs" from the Renew New England Alliance Policy Framework:


The 2021 agenda aims to advance a state-level legislative package for Vermont focusing on three priority legislative areas:  food justice, green housing retrofits, and Green Justice Zones. VT Renews is active now and Renew will formally launch in January 2021.


-Computer and internet access -ability to use (or learn) RAD's IT. Applications: Google Suite; Zoom.

-Ability to work independently -possible in-person meetings (after July 1).

-Background in some set of relevant research skills (social science research methods preferred) and experience in conducting research -access to peer-reviewed literature.


Depending on the skills and interests of the intern, they will conduct background research that will help to identify potential labor, climate, economic, or equity impacts of the public policy goals outlined in the RNEA Policy Framework. Research activities could include: literature review; data analysis; stakeholder interviews; and/or writing. Outcomes for this internship will include: 1) development of practical public policy competency for at least one "basic human need"; 2) contribution to the development of background knowledge needed to assess the impact of the RNEA Policy Framework on Vermont.

Start and end: Mid-may into July depending on funding

Hours per week for the internship: 8-12

Internship check-in /evaluation:

The advisor will meet with the intern at the beginning of their internship to develop a clear plan of work. Once they begin their work plan, the supervisor will do weekly check-in/-out meetings  (2 meetings per week) and use a weekly written agenda to track, evaluate, and make adjustments to work objectives. At the end of an internship, the supervisor will offer interns the opportunity to present their work to RAD staff and/or others, as well as conducting an exit interview.

  • The Next System and the Academy: Systemic Crises, Movements, and Change in the 2020s


Our lives feel precarious. Many of us are anxious about the future. And our ability to respond effectively to the social, economic, political, climate, ecological, and human crises of these times is undermined by a widespread sense of crisis fatigue. Into this moment enters a new government in Washington that has promised to “Build Back Better.” But should we build back better only from what the last president called the “American carnage” of recent years, or must we also find ways to overcome the mounting crises of recent decades?

A rising tide of community-based movements and initiatives offer the possibility that from this period of systemic decay may emerge a next system that is more democratic, sustainable, and just.

Join us for a meaningful discussion among leading policymakers, innovators, community organizers, and academics working to prepare our society for a transition to a system that provides the best outcomes for all.

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