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University of Vermont


As an ecological macroeconomist, my research and teaching is focused on monetary theory and policy in the context of social and ecological justice. My main interests lie in the role of macroeconomic and banking policy on ecological and social issues like housing affordability, income and wealth equity, sustainable agriculture, and resilient social systems. Because of this, I spend a lot of time thinking about how a different understanding of money could inform a more just and sustainable approach to policy.

I am very interested in public banking, radical tax reform, and fiscal and monetary policy that is aimed at social and environmental issues rather than price stability alone. The study of money is deeply entwined within the sociological, ecofeminist, anthropological, and historical literature. Because of this I am also very interested in the fields of embeddedness and dualism, and how humans imagine themselves separate from one another and nature—and importantly, how that imagining informs how we create and use money.


I studied finance and economics at the The University of Michigan and worked in non-profit strategy for ten years before working toward a PhD at The University of Vermont under the supervision of Joshua Farley. After completing my doctoral studies in 2019, I worked as a Postdoctoral associate at UVM and then moved to The University of Leeds as Assistant Professor (US equivalent) of Ecological Economics. I returned to UVM as Assistant Professor in 2023.

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