Renew New England Jobs Guarantee: Dignified work to meet basic needs
Thu, Apr 08
Hosted by Ecozoic Policy Project, Gund Institute and Renew New England

Time & Location
Apr 08, 2021, 4:00 PM EDT
About the Event
Register HERE
Facing intersecting crises of mass unemployment, climate change, racial injustice, and the pandemic, the Renew New England Alliance has come together to launch a region-wide jobs guarantee. The jobs guarantee will provide New Englanders with quality jobs that serve to meet basic human needs for housing, healthcare, food, energy, transportation, and clean air and water. Join us for this free, online discussion as we explore the Renew jobs guarantee with a panel of leading researchers and organizers. The panel will take place on zoom and is open to all upon registration. Panelists: Joshua Kestin (Policy Director at Renew New England), Stephanie Yu (Deputy Director, Public Assets Institute), Liz Medina (Executive Director, Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO), Pavlina Tcherneva (Associate Professor of Economics, Bard College; Director, Open Society University Network (OSUN) Economic Democracy Initiative), Fadhel Kaboub (Denison University / Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity) Moderator: Matthew Burke, University of Vermont This session is a collaboration of Vermont Renews, Renew New England, and the Ecozoic Policy Project, with support from the Leadership for the Ecozoic Program, the James M. Jeffords Fund Grant Program for Policy Studies, and the Gund Institute for Environment at the University of Vermont.